Commemorative Gifts

Memorial Funds

Perhaps the greatest honor one can make is to establish a Memorial Fund in remembrance or in celebration of a milestone or achievement of another person.

A Memorial Fund differs from a tribute or memorial gift since it is designed to be perpetuated over the course of several years. One donor or group of donors can establish a Memorial Fund through Vincentian Charitable Foundation with an initial gift totaling $50,000 or a pledge to raise that amount in a 12-24-month period. Proceeds from memorial funds may be restricted only to those Special Initiatives or to campus projects listed in the annual Favorite Places Campaign set up by Vincentian Charitable Foundation. A recognition system commemorating the fund and its donors of $1,000 or more will be displayed at a designated Vincentian ministry during the entire time the fund is active.

To remain active, the donor(s) who originated the fund — in partnership with the Foundation – will conduct a campaign or event annually to ensure the continuation of the fund. This fundraiser will bear the name of the person or person(s) being honored with the fund.

For more information, please contact us.

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